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Dr. Grant R. Jeffrey's Experience with

Bible Prophecy Revealed DVD's
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New Release!
One Nation Under Attack

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Table of Contents

Intro Chapter

Chapter One

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Prepare Now for America's Fall

The enemies of free-market capitalism have launched their final attack. The United States soon will be reduced to an isolated, impoverished country with no infl uence over international affairs.

A close reading of prophecy reveals no mention of America. The wealthiest and most powerful nation in history will play no visible role in the culminating events of this age. Prophecy expert Grant R. Jeffrey has exposed the hidden causes behind the rapid disappearance of America as we know it.

No longer will other nations count on the United States to come to their aid. Aggressor nations will not have to fear the possibility of U.S. retaliation because very soon, America will be too weak to take action. And just at the time when the United States is weakened nearly beyond recognition, the Antichrist will unleash his evil rule over the world.

When America falls, the collapse will come rapidly. It is to your advantage to know in advance what to look for. In One Nation, Under Attack you will find a workable plan to help you protect your family and your future from the far-reaching economic devastation to come.
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The Scroll

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Intro Chapter

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One last dig. One final descent into the twisted tunnels of ancient Jerusalem. Will the truth be found among the treasures that lie beneath the holy city?

Dr. David Chambers, leading archaeologist, has spent his professional career uncovering the facts in the artifacts. His work sets the standard for biblical research in the Holy Land. But surrounded by the evidence, David has sunk into an abyss of doubt. A painful experience with a seemingly unresponsive God has left him without hope. The Old Testament scriptures that used to fill his mind with wonder now drive him to frustration. His unanswered questions have ripped him from both his academic pursuits and the love of his live, his fiancée, Amber.

An old friend and mentor reaches out to David, enticing him with the riches described in the enigmatic Copper Scroll. Losing ground with his peers, his love, and his faith, David Chambers has a choice to make. Will he undertake one final dig to unlock a secret that could alter the course of history? Do the mysteries of the Old Testament hold the key to the political turmoil of the Middle East?

In a world where faith has been eclipsed by the allure of doubt, The Scroll offers a different journey: a gripping adventure to find truth worth dying for.
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Global Warming Deception

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Intro Chapter

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The Hidden Agenda: A Global Socialist Government

The worldwide effort to combat manmade global warming is history’s most far-reaching scientific hoax. In The Global Warming Deception, Grant R. Jeffrey documents the orchestrated campaign of political pressure, flawed science, deleted and falsified temperature data – all designed to promote an environmental lie and, thereby, bring the West to its knees.

United Nations agencies use the threat of rising global temperature, rising ocean levels, crop failure, expanding deserts, and the mass extinction of species to convince western nations to surrender their sovereignty to a global government. As these developments play out, we see the globalists consolidating their power.

In The Global Warming Deception, you will find overwhelming evidence that: Laws and regulations to reduce carbon emissions are designed to destroy the free enterprise system to produce a socialist economy and a plan to drain trillions from western nations to the Third World. The new pagan environmental religion of the "Church of Global Warming" denies the existence of God the Creator and substitutes in His place the worship of creation, the earth.

The coming economic collapse, accelerated by global warming laws and regulations, will lead to international financial chaos. A one-world government will be presented as the only solution, to be followed by the arrival of the Antichrist, an economic, religious, and military dictator.

Your personal liberty and economic freedom are at stake Now is the time to learn all you can about the socialist-Marxist globalist elite that is advancing the false threat of global warming – the most deadly deception in history.
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Shadow Government

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Table of Contents


Intro Chapter

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Security cameras, surveillance of your financial transactions, radio frequency spy chips hidden in consumer products, tracking of your internet searches, and eavesdropping on your e-mail and phone calls. Without your knowledge or consent, every aspect of your life is observed and recorded. But who is watching the watchers?

An ultra-secret global elite, functioning as a very real shadow government controls technology, finance, international law, world trade, political power, and vast military capabilities. Those who hold power are invisible to all but a few insiders. Those unrivaled leaders answer to no earthly authority, and they won't stop until they control the world.

In Shadow Government, Grant Jeffrey removes the screen that up to now, has hidden the work of these diabolical agents. Jeffrey reveals the biblical description of Satan's global conquest and identifies the tools of technology that the Antichrist will use to rule the world.

Your eyes will be opened to the real power that is working behind the scenes to destroy America and merge it into the coming global government. Armed with this knowledge, you will be equipped to face spiritual darkness with the light of prophetic truth.
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Countdown to Apocalypse

View Introduction Chapter.

View Contents.

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Many biblical prophets recorded visions of the future, but God gave only one prophet a precise timetable of the end-times events that will unfold in our generation.

Writing more than 2,500 years ago, Daniel prophesied a series of cataclysmic events and the signs that will precede the final apocalypse. According to prophecy expert Grant R. Jeffrey, many of the signs that Daniel pointed to are visible in our world today.

Daniel's vision reveals startling details about the identity of the coming Antichrist, his remarkable rise to supreme political power, his death, and his satanic resurrection. After completing an in depth study of Daniel's prophecies, Dr. Jeffrey presents a detailed description of the Antichrist's rise as world dictator, the Mark of the Beast, and the political and military developments that will set the stage for global government. In light of the Hebrew calendar, Dr. Jeffrey uncovered a timeline for the Antichrist's rise to power, the major events of the Tribulation, and the timing of the Battle of Armageddon that will conclude with Christ's return.

God allowed Daniel a precise vision of our world as we approach the return of the Messiah. Now you can discover the truth about our future as God is finally unsealing Daniel's ancient sealed prophecies in our lifetime.
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The New Temple and the Second Coming

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An array of new archaeological finds and revealing discoveries in the ancient city hidden beneath Jerusalem lead to a stunning conclusion: The generation alive today will witness the return of Christ.

The evidence–uncovered by prophecy expert Grant R. Jeffrey–is breathtaking: Jewish authorities are preparing to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Quietly they have recovered lost artifacts from the ancient Temple and have recreated sacred worship vessels. The new Sanhedrin, now reconvened in Israel, is training Levite priests to reinstitute animal sacrifice. These remarkable developments have far-reaching prophetic significance.

In this book you will examine the biblical prophecies and research data that together solve end-times mysteries, including:
  • The search for lost Temple treasures
  • Revealing discoveries in underground Jerusalem
  • The process of recreating sacred Temple vessels
  • Unexpected clues revealed in the Copper Scroll and the Ezekiel Tablets
  • The latest plans for rebuilding the Temple
Join Dr. Jeffrey as he uncovers answers to questions that have perplexed students of prophecy for centuries. Answers that point to the unmistakable conclusion that this is truly the last generation.
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Finding Financial Freedom

View Intro, Chapters 1 and 2.

Now available in Adobe PDF format.
Financial Workheets:
Net Worth Statement
Statement of Goals

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Follow God's rules for financial freedom. In today's uncertain times, how can you achieve the goal of financial independence? Success depends on a balanced strategy that is based on timeless biblical wisdom and up-to-date financial guidance. Finding Financial Freedom is your guide to prosperity that lasts. Written by Bible scholar and professional financial planner Grant R. Jeffrey, this book shows how you can:
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CREATION -- Remarkable Evidence of
God's Design

View Chapter One - Introduction.
Now available in Adobe PDF format.

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This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling evidence that our universe must have been created by a Supernatural Mind.
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The War Against Terrorism in Light of Bible Prophecy

Make no mistake. We are at war with international terrorism. All of us who love freedom and democracy are now "in harms way." The thousands of fanatic Islamic terrorists who hid in over seventy nations across the globe have declared war on the nations, the people, and the values of the Western world. The West has been governed for centuries by a set of values derived fundamentally from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures and the Enlightenment. Click here to continue...

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